In Honor of Mother’s Day: Queen of Peace

Written By: Joshua Jorgensen

The freedom I seek only He can give!

Lead me O Moonlight to that path where I’ll live!

To the Kingdom of Heaven and the glory of light,

Where God will be worshiped, where all will be right!

I pray in this prison of darkness and pain,

Oh Holy Mary take away all my shame!

Take my hand and lead me to Him,

Where I can find freedom from all of my sin!

Oh precious Rose in Heaven you pray,

For your children on earth that they may not stray!

I as thy child plead you show me your Son,

So I can rest in His refuge and know I have won!

For the battle of evil rages on here below,

And sometimes I fall and in darkness I grow!

But Virgin of Virgins, Queen of my Peace,

Intercede on my behalf, and pray this evil leave!

As I close my eyes and in mercy I drown,

At my King’s feet I lay down my crown!

Freedom from Darkness may I find in my dreams,

And rise up to Heaven, my Queen of Peace!


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